Do not call 3-bets from LAG players when being out of position. The LAG player will try to exploit his position and make life hard for you. The 3-betting LAG player knows, that his range is slightly behind in this spot, but he assumes a fair amount of folding, passive and faulty play from his opponent. 10,45% 3-bet range of a LAG player from HJ vs. Especially, if you have a tendency for choosing a passive line with a minimum defend strategy. These cards not only blocks some stronger hands, but also often connects with boards in tricky ways for running multi street bluffs, that will make life hard for you. The 3-bet range will contain a lot more royal cards, than most players will use for 3-bets. This also have a benefit of putting pressure on you and ultimately induce tilt. middle positions by ramping up their 3-bets.
LAG players wants to exploit their position with tricky lines vs. What does a 3-bet range from a LAG player look like? LAG player edateru 3-bets KTs from HJ vs. loose and aggressive (LAG) poker players. How to use EquiLab and pot odds to construct a proven profitable 4-bet range vs.